Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The word "sore" doesn't even cover it!

That's right!  I feel as if someone ripped my thigh and butt muscles apart.  I can barely walk and it's not just from working out yesterday.  I have had the worst kind of migraine all night long and woke up with it this morning.  Yuck!

Needless to say, I'm skipping the workout today because I feel like I'd be doing more damage than good to my muscles.  I woke up and weighed myself and I'm down .6 lbs.  Although I was disappointed it wasn't more it is SOMETHING so I'll be grateful. 

I won't let my pain deviate me from the eating plan though.  I can do this!!

xoxo Natalie

Photos are courtesy of Photobucket


  1. I totally know how you feel but dont give up as I find when I am sore even just a walk around the block a couple of times would make me feel better, but I just made sure to do it at the end of the day not the morning as otherwise the whole day becomes pain torture!! Good luck for your 'journey' as I am just starting mine too. Love your blog template too!

  2. Follower #7. Thanks for your kinds words on my blog. I love your blog style...especially the kitty greeter. Hope your muscles get better soon. I don't like sore muscles...nicely sore, not pain!

  3. Hey, I gave you an award over on my blog :)

  4. Hey there! I'm gonna be very very and very sore tomorrow also. I'm hoping to get a little walk but my poor arms won't be getting any workouts. For some reason I get the worst sore after 24 hours of the workout! That's the absolute worst I feel it. I find it extemely annoying. But it's part my fault that I keep taking breaks after only working out for a week! Stupid me but hey I'm really gonna push it the next 6 months or I'm toast!

    A loss is ALWAYS awesome! All of those weeks and months I didn't lose anything I wish I had lost .6! Imagine how much would that add up to in the end!!! Oh well...
