Monday, September 13, 2010

One post and I haven't even started...

There has been so much going on my mind and it has been one excuse after another.  That's what they are right?  EXCUSES.  It's too hard!  I hate exercising!  No matter how hard I try I don't lose weight!  They are all petty excuses.  Enough!

 Today I took my chubby self to the library.   It's like I was led right to the very books that would help me.  Sure I picked up "diet" books and checked them out but one book was called "Never say Diet" by Chantel Hobbs.  Are you familiar with her?  I certainly wasn't. 

First let me mention the fact that me and my hubby had a heart to heart last night.  We are in a rut.  Both of us are unhappy for reasons we can't put our fingers on.  We are unhappy with ourselves is what we realized.  So I told him, I'm just sick of the struggle and I told him how I wanted to try these new "vitamins" that helped you lose weight while getting you healthy.  I was actually scheduled to attend a meeting for info this evening at 7pm.  Instead I plopped myself down reading through the books I checked out and  I'm so glad I did.  I was about to buy into another scam.  Another yo-yo thing that would leave me feeling empty and flushing even more money down the drain.

I'm sick of "dieting".  I want a lifestyle change.  The thing that continues to keep me from making this change is "it will take too long".  That is my excuse.  I want a quick fix.  So many of us do.  Then I saw these pics of Chantel...

At her heaviest she tipped the scales at nearly 350 lbs!

And look at her now!
She didn't use any diet.  She didn't have surgery.  She did it on her own with help from prayer and family.  She stayed dedicated and determined.

I'm halfway through her book and already determined.  So many things she said rang true.  I could relate to so much.  She spoke about how people would say "You have such a pretty face" and how she was tired of it.  I've heard that repeatedly and believe me it is no compliment!  It's more of a back-handed slap.

What is amazing is she lost over 200 lbs.  If she could do that...I can lose 60.  I'm sick of the rollercoaster!
Photos are courtesy of Yahoo image search and photobucket
I'm ready for change!

Thanks for reading...
xoxo Natalie


  1. Natalie, thank you so much for "following" me, I'm a new follower of yours as well! Love your blog, thanks for posting this book review and, that Chantel is inspiring indeed!

    Looking forward to traveling on this journey with you. :)

  2. Hmmm... I wonder if I can get hold of that book in Europe - It sounds exactly like the sort of book I'd like to find. Whenever I go to a book store and try to find something related to having a positive mentality around dieting, I instead get bombarded with "Lose 20 pounds in 20 days" and "Atkins? Schmatkins! Try our new completely different diet, Catkins!" type books that I'm totally not interested in at all - I hope I remember to keep an eye out for this the next time I'm shopping for motivational reading material!
